sudo with no-password option for "mount" command - to mount network shares (SAMBA).cifs-utils & smbtree - for SAMBA support.
qca for qt5 (optional) - software remote controls support (compatible with MAG 250).QtAV (patched version, included into yasem-qtav-mediaplayer submodule).C++11 compatible compiler (tested with GCC and Clang).Qt 5.2+ (5.5 is recommended) with Webkit support.To do that open yasem.pro, find variable SUBDIRS and remove line plugins/yasem-qtav-mediaplayer from the list of subprojects. In this case you can make yasem without QtAV media player plugin. It may be difficult for some users to build yasem-qtav-mediaplayer plugin (especially on Windows), because it requires to get libav or ffmpeg sources, QtAV sources and some work to copy all required libaries into Yasem output folder. Qmake YASEM_OUTPUT_DIR=/destination/directory yasem-google-analytics - Google Analytics plugin that reports some information of a system.yasem-tray-icon - A simple plugin that shows an icon in system tray.yasem-web-server - A simple web server that can be used to load local files via.Actually my iptv is running on a MAG250, but ou MAG250 always needs to be rebooted and Kodi is much more powerful. yasem-qtav-mediaplayer - QtAV-based player. (, 15:19) mbou Wrote: Hi, I would like to know if there are any stb emulator addons that works well.yasem-dunehd-api - Implementation of JavaScript API of DuneHD STBs.yasem-mag-api - Implementation of JavaScript API of MAG-250/AuraHD STBs (and other MAG-XYZ STBs).yasem-web-gui-plugin - A simple html/javascript based UI.yasem-qt-mediaplayer - A QMediaPlayer-based player for Yasem.yasem-ini-datasource - A simple datasource plugin that stores data in ini files (used only by some plugins).yasem-web-browser - Web browser component.yasem-desktop-gui - GUI for desktop OS.Both core and libraries are statically linked with SDK. yasem-core - Core module (executable file).

Yasem distributed with plugins (by default they all will be downloaded and built): Main plugins Some of its components may be licensed under different terms. YASEM is free software licensed under the term of GPL v2.
It may be used to load IPTV portals to watch internet TV or for developing such portals using build-in developer tools from WebKit (like in Chrome/Chromium). Yasem (Yet Another Stb EMulator) is an IPTV Set-Top-Box emulator for desktop platforms.